Bruckmann, Christian, Christophorus, National Geographic, Frederking & Thaler and GeraMond are publishing houses belonging to the GeraNova Bruckmann Verlagshaus in Munich.
We produce illustrated books of high quality, outdoor guides, comprehensive technical books and magazines. Topics include travelling worldwide, mountaineering, photography, cooking, diy, motorcycling, railroad, model railroad and aviation.
Discover our program!
Besides printed books and magazines we also offer our contents for interactive media, for example e-books, iPad and iPhone apps. If you consider any title to be of interest for your market – in printed or digital form –, we would be pleased to provide you with reading copies, material and further information regarding foreign rights availability.
For any questions or requests please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
Anna Travkina
Tel.: +49 (0) 89.130699.233
Fax.: +49 (0) 89.130699.600
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Verlagshaus GeraNova Bruckmann Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2024
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GeraNova Bruckmann Verlagshaus GmbH
Foreign Rights Department / Lizenzabteilung
Infanteriestr. 11A
80797 München, Germany